answer: Post Here Successfully Unlocked / Flashed Phones By HWK
nokia 6030 flashing and unlocking done Detected: V 04.70 29-01-07 RH-87 (c) Nokia.
1st Boot: Ok, DCT4, UPP: 3040 [Rh-87] []
2nd Boot: u3_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Fl0: 0x01000000-0x01FFFFFF,00012C7E,Amd 29NS128N
Algorithm: u3_amd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Algorithm Ok, MSID: 84A5FCA7FF90B38A0B827A94C3
Decoded MSID: F145BAE9-00182882-A8000000
Encoded FAID: 886C30F2-F62C4155-0C142ACD
IMAGE: rh86_87__06.70.mcusw
Area1: 0x01000000-0x0101FFFF Erased, Time: 00:00
Area2: 0x01020000-0x018DFFFF Erased, Time: 01:09
Area3: 0x01EE0000-0x01FDFFFF Erased, Time: 00:08
MCU Flashing Completed, Time: 02:39
Warning, Must be Used 128Kb Sector_Size CNT File
128K Image Saved as: rh86_87__06.70.image_mcr_128
IMAGE: rh86_87__06.70.image_mcr
Area1: 0x01B80000-0x01EDFFFF Erased, Time: 00:25
CNT Flashing Completed, Time: 00:20
Running: Nokia File Server
CNT Extract Warning, Res: 0, CNT Area not Empty
Contents Package Extracting Ok, Time: 00:07
1st Boot: Ok, DCT4, UPP: 3040 [Rh-87] []
2nd Boot: u3_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Fl0: 0x01000000-0x01FFFFFF,00012C7E,Amd 29NS128N
Algorithm: u3_amd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Algorithm Ok, MSID: 84887B66A2C3D10E7E30850E2C
Decoded MSID: 3E4EBAE9-00182882-A9000000
Encoded FAID: 9CF14D79-D1981636-28FF058B
IMAGE: rh86_87__06.70.ppm_mcr
Area1: 0x018E0000-0x01B7FFFF Erased, Time: 00:20
PPM Flashing Completed, Time: 00:27
Flashing Completed, Rebooting Mobile
All Done, Time: 06:30
Set Full Factory Defaults Ok, Time: 00:07
1st Boot: Ok, DCT4, UPP: 3040 [Rh-87] []
2nd Boot: u3_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Fl0: 0x01000000-0x01FFFFFF,00012C7E,Amd 29NS128N
Algorithm: u3_amd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Rebooting Mobile
MCU SW : V 06.70 16-11-07 RH-87 (c) Nokia.
PPM SW : V 06.70 16-11-07 RH-86_87 (c) Nokia. MCR
Prd.Code: 0544144
Bpr.Code: 0531164
Prod.Sn : REJ754536
HW Vers : 6001
UEM : 1328
UPP : 12352
RFIC Ver: 0500
DSP Vers: P05w45.v49
IMEI : 011191-00-xxxxxx-4
SL Conf : 310-17-00000000000
SL Prof : 800000000001000-B
SL Var : 00550111910073355400
SL Aux : 000B5555
HW Sig : 14100A75BBD64C94
Provider: CINGULAR - Pacific Bell Wireless;U.S.A.
IMEI: 011191-00-xxxxxx-4, ASIC: 11
FILE: rh86_87__06.70.mcusw
1st Boot: Ok, DCT4, UPP: 3040 [Rh-87] []
2nd Boot: u3_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Fl0: 0x01000000-0x01FFFFFF,00012C7E,Amd 29NS128N
Algorithm: u3_amd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Algorithm Ok, MSID: 84A5FCA7FF90B38A0B827A94C3
Decoded MSID: F145BAE9-00182882-A8000000
Encoded FAID: 886C30F2-F62C4155-0C142ACD
Area1: 0x010A0000-0x010BFFFF Erased, Time: 00:01
PAT Flashing Completed, Time: 00:02
IMEI: 011191-00-xxxxxx-4, ASIC: 11
SimLocks Initialized (Patch Ok), Time: 00:00
1st Boot: Ok, DCT4, UPP: 3040 [Rh-87] []
2nd Boot: u3_2nd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Fl0: 0x01000000-0x01FFFFFF,00012C7E,Amd 29NS128N
Algorithm: u3_amd.fia, Ver: 4.76.0
Algorithm Ok, MSID: 84A5FCA7FF90B38A0B827A94C3
Decoded MSID: F145BAE9-00182882-A8000000
Encoded FAID: 886C30F2-F62C4155-0C142ACD
Area1: 0x010A0000-0x010BFFFF Erased, Time: 00:01
UNP Flashing Completed, Time: 00:02
SimLocks Initialized, Time: 00:39