A how-to is an informal and often short video or text describing how to accomplish a specific task. A how-to is usually meant to help non-experts and consequently may leave out details that are important only to experts. Due to this, a how-to may be greatly simplified compared to a usual discussion of the subject.

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  1. U

    How-to Unlock iPhone 4S Baseband 4.3.01with IOS 7.0.4 By Superior Sim Platinum 5 in 1 Guide

    [Tutorial] How-to Unlock iPhone 4S Baseband 4.3.01with IOS 7.0.4 By Superior Sim Platinum 5 in 1 Guide: Superior Sim Platinum , the new version of Superior sim With The Name Superior sim Platinum 5 in 1 now supports Baseband 4.3.01 iPhone 4S Unlock. Follow the tutorial provided below to unlock...
  2. M

    [How-to] Create your own autoloaders (os, radio or os+radio)

    This is for people who want to experiment with their devices and test unreleased OS and radios. For others, there are enough autoloaders out there to fit most needs. This is a draft that will likely be improved with time. Tools Get the free hex editor called HxD Get...
  3. J

    [HOW-TO] Create an update.zip

    if you want to create a .zip with something to add to your phone, there are a few tools to automate their creation, but restricted to Windows. Here I will explain the mechanics of their creation (applicable in all OSs). Things you need: Item to be added (example, Calculator.apk)...
  4. M

    [HOW-TO] Create an update.zip

    if you want to create a .zip with something to add to your phone, there are a few tools to automate their creation, but restricted to Windows. Here I will explain the mechanics of their creation (applicable in all OSs). Things you need: Item to be added (example, Calculator.apk)...
  5. T

    iOS 6.1.3 With Sn0wbreeze 2.9.14 [How-To Tutorial] update 100% ok

    iOS 6.1.3 With Sn0wbreeze 2.9.14 [How-To Tutorial] update 100% ok Here’s a complete tutorial on how to jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 on all A4 and pre-A4 devices, including the iPhone 4, 3GS, iPod touch 4G etc using Sn0wbreeze 2.9.14. More details can be found right after the jump. With the release...
  6. P

    howto flash lava m40

    how to flash lava m40...? which type ic?
  7. S

    N9/N950 User code remove HowTo

    Use this, if you need get access to user data (Gallery, PhoneBook, e.t.c.) If you just needed reset it with all data - just Flash with WIPE and not lost time for this way. Install BEST 1.56 1. Open NTab 2. Press Connect/Info button 3. Connect Powered Off phone 4. When BEST found it - Press...
  8. M

    Root Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100-Android 2.3.3 [HowTo Root]

    New Tutorials: Root Samsung Galaxy S2 Full Tutorial Unlock Samsung Galaxy S2 Full Tutorial Now you can gain ROOT Access on the new Samsung Galaxy S2 i9000. Just found on the XDA forum the ROOT solution for Samsung Galaxy S2 i9100. User Chainfire was kind and provided on the XDA Post the...
  9. N

    BB5 Downgrade, ERASE, REPAIR, e.t.c) How-To

    Here is simple instruction how-to downgrade new SL3 phones via Erase method. Also this will be useful for repair phone - like - full SW rebuild ( Erase ) Platforms : By ONLY USB cable can be done with : RAPU11 - 6700, E52,E72, 5630, C5, N8, C7, C6-01, C3-01, X3-02, C5-03, E7...
  10. J

    [Guide] Boot OS X from External USB drive - Complete HOWTO

    HOWTO: Boot Mac OS 10.4.8 on an AppleTV without opening the case Goal: Boot up Mac OS X on an AppleTV from a USB drive without voiding warranty. This is done to allow the user to install hacks on the AppleTV internal drive itself. Credits: Modified Kernel by semthex...