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Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2010

Here is the truth of XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole.

After 6 months of not good sales by Raskal and his black puppets and
programmer not get full money from them, XTC CLIP programmer contacted us
(GsmEasy and Manole) and ask for support in sales and marketing.

It is normal for a programmer with such skills to want make more money
from the best HTC solution available in market at this moment.
Please remember:
XTC clip is the only device on the market which supports S-OFF for HTC !!!

We (GsmEasy and Manole) agree on this with XTC CLIP programmer and
today you have in market 2 xtc clip:

1. XTC CLIP what is more expensive (250 EURO) sold by Raskal

2. XTC CLIP what is more cheap (39 EURO)
sold by GsmEasy and Manole with support in this forum:

XTC CLIP International support forum: XTC CLIP - GSM-Forum

Here is a small FAQ for the ones who still confused about
XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole:

Q: What is official web site for XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole ?
A: Official web page for XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole is here:
XTC Clip official page

Q: Who is the author of XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole ?
A: Author is the XTC CLIP Programmer who's request to us was not to make public his name.

Q: Is this XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole have warranty ?
A: XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole have warranty for hardware (only clip) 6 months.

Q: Is there any difference in updates of XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole and other XTC CLIP?
A: XTC CLIP sold by GsmEasy and Manole with support in this forum will have same updates
(as XTC CLIP programmer promised).

Q: Is this XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole have support ?
A: YES. This is what we try to do in this forum, give you best support possible.

Q: Is this XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole ORIGINAL ?
A: YES. XTC CLIP from GsmEasy and Manole is ORIGINAL.

And here are Raskal conditions for sell his XTC CLIP at more then 250 EURO (222 GBP)
read before you buy from Raskal and his resellers:
Raskal XTC CLIP Warranty terms:
- no updates
- no support
- no warranty


And as famous character Porky Pig (aka Raskal) used to say at the end .......

"Th-Th-Th-Th-Th-... That's all, folks."


Thread Closed!