MTB NK 2.36.4 discussion thread.What's new in MTB NK v2.36.4: • Fixed RPL support for 'New Generation' loaders ( Rapido and Rapu Yama phones) Please


Jan 20, 2011
MTB NK 2.36.4 discussion thread.What's new in MTB NK v2.36.4: • Fixed RPL support for 'New Generation' loaders ( Rapido and Rapu Yama phones) Please note: To use MTB NK v2.36.4 you need to have MTB

What's new in MTB NK v2.36.4:

• Fixed RPL support for 'New Generation' loaders ( Rapido and Rapu Yama phones)

Please note:
To use MTB NK v2.36.4 you need to have MTB NK 2.36.3 installed already.

Using SL3 RPL service you can:

• Repair imei 123456654321?
• Repair SimLock data Failed Read...(Contact Service)
• Repair Superdongle Key - phone turn off in 3-10 minutes,
• Repair APE data on smartphones - Nokia logo long time

How to use SL3 ASK to RPL service:

- Download and install MTB NK 2.36.4 exe
- Start MTB NK 2.36.4
- Go to server tab and click on Delete button
- Click on Save button and enter login details: user name - boxlogin, password: boxlogin
- Connect phone to FBUS cable
- Go to Extras - Imei / ESN repair
- Press BB5 ASK BB5 button
- Software starts to boot the phone and will ask you:

Would you like to send ASK to server?
Cost is 80 credits!

- If you want to send ASK file to server press Yes button. 80 MT Box credits will be deducted from your MT box account only once per phone imei.
- If you does not want to send ASK file to server press NO.

How to check it is your RPL file ready:

- Start MTB NK 2.36.4
- Connect phone to FBUS cable
- Go to Extras - Imei / ESN repair
- Press BB5 ASK BB5 button
- Software starts to boot the phone and will ask you:

Would you like to send ASK to server.
Cost is 80 credits!

- Press YES button.
- Software will NOT deduct 80 credits from your account.
- Also you can check does your RPL file is ready without any credits on your MT Box account.
- If your RPL file is ready software will download it and write to phone automatically.

Important information about SL3 RPL service:

• SL3 ASK to RPL service cost 80 MT Box credits per phone
• Time for SL3 RPL calculation is up to 72 hours
• Once uploaded ASK file cant be canceled from calculation

Please note:

Posting ASK or RPL files, PHONE IMEI and PUBLIC ID on forums are STRONGLY PROHIBITED.
So please when post about your problem edit last 6 digits from phone imei, delete PUBLIC ID (RAP) from log file before post it.
Breaking this rule will cause your support account closed and MT Box blocked for all services.
RPL files are calculated files and there CANT be any mistake in.
Once again do not upload ASK or RPL file to forum, PHONE IMEI and PUBLIC ID.


MTB NK 2.36.4 exe only - For these who have 2.36.3 installed already - Rapid Share link