answer: Any China Flash File Request Here_By JONONItelecom
Sir I have China Soly Elisom W598 Music Player Phone.and I am using MTK III box for China phone
Flasing.....When the phone came to me I discover ...BT not working And Camera Mode not ready...
So I flash with (Sony ericson w 598 CPU SC6600LWT6226 Flash NOR_ST_M30L0T7000T0) this file....
after that phone is not What should I do ?
MTK III loge file is......
It is sensing the pinout fast,please hold on the phone Power key
Connecting...Please hold on the POWER key until the red gauge is going...
Any errors please select another boot and try again.
BB:6252, HardwareVer:8B00, SoftwareVer:CE00
Loading boot...
INT_SYSRAM_BOOT test completed.
Loading boot...
Boot2 test completed.
Nor Flash ID: 00C2002500370000
Nand Flash ID: 0000000000000000
Nand Flash not found.
Pls Help me Sir ..........