Working!!, released in English territories as Wagnaria!!, is a Japanese four-panel comic strip manga series written and illustrated by Karino Takatsu, which follows the activities of the unusual employees at one of the units of the Wagnaria family restaurant chain. The series was serialized in Square Enix's Young Gangan seinen manga magazine between January 2005 and November 2014. Square Enix released three drama CDs between 2007 and 2009 with scripts written by Shōgo Mukai. An anime television series was produced by A-1 Pictures and directed by Yoshimasa Hiraike, airing in three seasons in 2010, 2011, and 2015, respectively. In North America, the first two anime seasons are licensed by NIS America while the third is licensed by Aniplex of America.
The series is a spin-off of an earlier webcomic also titled Working!!, later published in print form as Web-ban Working!!, set in another Wagnaria restaurant and following a different group of characters. It was adapted into an anime series titled WWW.Working!! in 2016. It is licensed by Aniplex of America.
Symphony D57 (MTK-6252)
Info - 04
ZL590D44_PCB01_GPRS_MT6252_S01.ZL590D_044A_V8_0_0. BIN
Project ID : ZL590D_044A_V8_0_0
CPU_Type = MT625A
Nor Flash Type = [WINBOND] W25Q64DW
Nor Flash ID = 00EF0060(00170000)
NOR_Size = 8MB
Password : Ashfaq Tawhid Rayan
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