A test point is a location within an electronic circuit that is used to either monitor the state of the circuitry or to inject test signals. Test points have two primary uses:

During manufacturing they are used to verify that a newly assembled device is working correctly. Any equipment that fails this testing is either discarded or sent to a rework station to attempt to repair the manufacturing defects.
After sale of the device to a customer, test points may be used at a later time to repair the device if it malfunctions, or if the device needs to be re-calibrated after having components replaced.Test points can be labelled and may include pins for attachment of alligator clips or may have complete connectors for test clips.
Modern miniature surface-mount electronics often simply have a row of unlabelled, tinned solder pads. The device is placed into a test fixture that holds the device securely, and a special surface-contact connector plate is pressed down onto the solder pads to connect them all as a group.

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  1. G

    v3re t.mobile unlock done via testpoint

    tools smartclip \ dongle \smart adaptor smarttest point v2 done
  2. G

    v3re t.mobile unlock done via testpoint

    http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/6627/17122011.jpg tools smartclip \ dongle \smart adaptor http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/4204/motosmartclip.jpg smarttest point v2 http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4493/smarttestpointcablev20.jpg http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7271/99159000.png...
  3. G

    v3re t.mobile unlock done via testpoint

    http://img710.imageshack.us/img710/6627/17122011.jpg tools smartclip \ dongle \smart adaptor http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/4204/motosmartclip.jpg smarttest point v2 http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4493/smarttestpointcablev20.jpg http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7271/99159000.png...
  4. G

    SST v 7.53 - New "Direct Boot " mode enable connection without test-point.

    SST v 7.53 is already available for download. New "Direct Boot " mode enable connection without test-point for X65/X75 SGOLD models. Please remember to select "Direct Boot " after model and speed selection. PS. Maximum Connection speed with this boot method should not exceed 460k!
  5. G

    FREE Unlock, NO TESTPOINT, C975 R245_U_82.21.91I ( using GOT_MOTO

    How to unlock: 1. If you not have an account at http://www.got.bz send your FREE request at gsmonlinetool@yahoo.com 2. Go to http://www.got.bz and use your login/password to download Motorola GOT client software 3. Download, unzip and flash this file using GOT_MOTO client software...