
"Grace, Replaced" is the eighteenth episode of the first season of the American television series Will & Grace. It was written by Katie Palmer and directed by series producer James Burrows. The episode originally aired on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) in the United States on April 8, 1999. Actors Molly Shannon, Leigh-Allyn Baker, and Tom Gallop guest starred on "Grace, Replaced".
In the episode, Grace's (Debra Messing) job forces her to work overtime, which leads to Will (Eric McCormack) feeling neglected. As a result, he seeks solace in the company of a new neighbor, Val (Shannon). Meanwhile, Jack (Sean Hayes) is annoyed that he has to perform community service for assaulting a meter maid.
Before the airing, NBC moved the program to Thursdays at 8:30 p.m., after it was a success in the Tuesday lineup. "Grace, Replaced" was the first episode to debut on the Thursday slot. Since then, the episode has generally received positive reviews from television critics. According to the Nielsen ratings system, it was watched by 12.9 million viewers, which resulted in the episode attracting its highest ratings of the season.

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