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  1. J

    MXKEY BlackBerry Update

    MXKEY Added 8 new BLACKBERRY MEP's: MEP-06041-010 MEP-06812-004 MEP-06814-005 MEP-07723-006 MEP-07723-007 MEP-09292-005 MEP-09821-003 MEP-21878-001 BR, Manole
  2. D

    BB 9550 Storm Unlock Done in MXKEY

    JUST FOLLOW THE IMAGE BELOW Now enter the generated code to your mobile Your Blackberry is now UNLOCK Enjoy. Hope it helps
  3. J

    MXKEY SL3 credits added - server based update

    MXKEY server based update What is new: - SL3 credits added for testing the system of credits for next BOMB update. - How to chk credits ? Please report in this thread if you can not see this credits : Public thread for report if you can not see SL3 credits...
  4. J

    MXKEY SL3 credits added - server based update

    MXKEY server based update What is new: - SL3 credits added for testing the system of credits for next BOMB update. - How to chk credits ? Please report in this thread if you can not see this credits : Public thread for report if you can not see SL3 credits...
  5. J

    MXKEY servers data base fixed

    MXKEY SERVERS under maintenance. [SOLVED] MXKEY servers data base are fixed now. BR, Manole
  6. nerobdms™

    Mxkey server news

    Now ok mxkey server............ [CR1] DCT4PLUS remaining credit: 100 [CR2] BB5 remaining credit: 100 [CR3] SL3 remaining credit: 0 For credit inquiry, please contact authorized reseller from your country area for MXKEY credits listed here...
  7. J

    MXKEY SERVERS under maintenance.

    Hi, Please be aware that all MXKEY servers are OFF for maintenance . We will come back with NEWS when all activity is back to normal. Sorry for inconvenience cause by this. BR, Manole