A SQL INSERT statement adds one or more records to any single table in a relational database.

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  1. T

    V3 insert sim DONE

    softbank 821sc to unlock TOOLS: Z3X Samsung E210 2-in-1 cable PROCEDURE: open Samsung Tool select model Read Info input CRP File(Patch) then Flash/Update Firmware then click Unlock SCREENSHOTS: RESULT:
  2. L

    V3 insert sim DONE in one removal

  3. T

    Samsung c3303k insert sim ways 100% tested

    Samsung c3303k insert sim done Remove red marked
  4. S

    blackberry 9790 insert sim solution

    i have bb9790 it is water damage, imake cleaning perfectly now everything is work fine, but not working the sim card!!!!! showing the lcd insert sim card but i make already soldering nearest of sim bais, it will be same. so,if anybody have this solution please help me kindly.......dfqo
  5. L

    samsung e1081t insert sim problem

    samsung e1081t need or give me solution. i have lost sim base layer.
  6. N

    tecno t220 insert sim

    how can tecno t220 insert SIM card problem be solved?
  7. A

    Nokia asha 303 insert sim ways

    Nokia asha 303 insert sim ways
  8. N

    Samsung S3100 insert sim done...

    Samsung S3100 insert sim done...
  9. G

    samsung galaxy r 2 insert sim

    samsung galaxy r 2 insert sim solution post urgent........................
  10. J

    Nokia C101*C1-01 insert sim Solution

    Nokia C101*C1-01 insert sim Solution
  11. P

    1681 china insert sim help..

    1681 china insert sim pls help how to solve... pbc picture.... i try to mild reheat MTK but same problem... guide me pls...thanks....
  12. J

    Nokia 1600 insert sim done!!!

    Nokia 1600 insert sim done!!!
  13. V

    nokia 100 insert sim card solution

  14. V

    1202-1203 new and hot insert sim solution weith jumper

  15. A

    nokia100 insert sim

    nokia100 insert sim
  16. M

    1202-1203 new and hot insert sim solution weith jumper

    1202-1203 new and hot insert sim solution weith jumper
  17. L

    nokia 1661 insert sim Jumper By Dipankor-ctg

    nokia 1661 insert sim Jumper Br Dipankor-ctg
  18. sbcomputers

    LG c2500 Insert Sim

    LG c2500 Insert Sim.Need Helpsdcb
  19. J

    Nokia 3110c insert sim Solution

    Nokia 3110c insert sim Solution
  20. G

    Insert sim Samsung champ C3303

    Insert sim Samsung champ C3303 post solution full all members.....