Dual Survival is a United States reality television series that airs on the Discovery Channel. The show features a pair of survival experts in predetermined scenarios while in challenging environments.For the first two seasons, the show featured the differing outdoor survival philosophies and skills of Cody Lundin, a naturalist and primitive-skills expert who runs the Aboriginal Living Skills School in Prescott, Arizona, and Dave Canterbury, a military-trained survival instructor who runs the Pathfinder Training School in Ohio. Beginning with the third season, Canterbury was replaced with Joseph "Joe" Teti, and in Season 4, Matt Graham replaced Lundin; Teti and Graham remained with the show through Season 6. Season 7 features Grady Powell, an ex-U.S. Army Green Beret, who replaced Joseph Teti, and Bill McConnell, a wilderness survivalist, who replaced Matt Graham. Season 8 Bill McConnell is replaced by Josh James for all but the last 2 episodes of the season where Josh James is replaced by Airforce veteran Bo Mcglone. In Season 9 both Grady and Bo are replaced by Naked and Afraid stars E.J. and Jeff.
[18 March 2014]
Description :
Sony ST21i2 " FULL Supported "
Release Notes and Files:
Repair Dead Boot
Sony ST21i2 Pinouts
Repairing Sony ST21i2
Connect Battery and USB Cable
Download DLL File "Sony_ST21i2.dll"
Place in phones folder...
[3 March 2014]
Description :
Sony ST21i2 Repair Boot Supported
Release Notes and Files:
Repair Dead Boot
Sony ST21i2 Pinouts
Repairing Sony ST21i2
Connect Battery and USB Cable
Download DLL File "Sony_ST21i2.dll"
Place in phones folder...
World's 1st SPD 6531 Dual Flash ic Supported
World's 1st SPD 6531 Dual Flash ic Read Flash Supported
World's 1st SPD 6531 Dual Flash ic Write Flash Supported
World's 1st SPD 6531 Dual Flash ic Format Supported
Must use 460800 BaudRate Speed !!
P.s. those phones we tested are failed on...
Whats new ?
Added NV Read for SPD Android
Added NV Write for SPD Android
!! Must do 1st READ INFO after you can Read or Write NV !!
Added Full Flash Format via one key root
Added ADB Root for Newer MTK Models
Added MTK 6251 Dual & Quad Flash ic Support ( World's 1st )
Added MTK 6260...
i would say before this something
We have heared some rumors from market that the resellers that are selling copy volcano giving some fake story that fault is ours and that xe are closing support of old boxes... This is 100% fake. There is already over 10.000 boxed that passed server and...
Hottest and World First Android Mobiles Done by GPG DRagon Only Here :))
Sam Sung android i9100 MT6573 NAND 512mb Read full & Format ok by GPG Dragon New version.
Here are pics tested by me:
Format done with i9100 android Password Gmail:
Here read full:
i have htc niki100 touch dual.the problem is when i power on phone the lcd show always 3 color and this mesaage on the left corner:"NIKI100 spl-1.16.0000 cpld-4" and in the right top corner screen writes: "RUUNBH".
i use mtty 1.42.when i type boot in cmd
now mobile goes to good condition.when i...
Huawei G7300 Dual Sim unlock Done By!! !!AVATOR BOX!!
Tip: The phone must be able to power-on normally
It is sensing the pinout fast,please hold on the phone Power key
Connecting...Please hold on the POWER key until the red...
Nokia x1-01 dual no light ,(without transistor) Solution
nokia x1-01
no light
action taken
remove transistor, remove diode, hung backlight, jumper done!
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