The Nokia 2310 is a mobile phone designed for lower budget markets, released in 2006.

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  1. J

    PA jumper 1110 1110i 1600 2310 2610 2626 6030

    PA jumper 1110 1110i 1600 2310 2610 2626 6030
  2. V

    Nokia 1110,1600,2310,2610 always headset solution
  3. J

    Nokia 1110,1600,2310,2610 always headset solution

    Nokia 1110,1600,2310,2610 always headset solution
  4. L

    RINGER IC JUMPER 100 %test nokia 1110 1112 2310 6030 Ringer ic jumper

    RINGER IC JUMPER 100 %test nokia 1110 1112 2310 6030 Ringer ic jumper Br Dipankor-ctg
  5. T

    1600 2310 6030 Flash flle loading Failed Soleson

  6. J

    2310 Contact Service ( SuccesS ) Solution

    2310 Contact Service ( SuccesS ) Solution Unit: Nokia 2310 ProBlem: { Contact Service } Unit Before 1st Step: SW with FW Low to Higher Ver. Flashing Complete { but } Problem stiLL Same { SC } 2nd Step: Rehut Or Shake UPP then wait a few Minutes para Lumamig ang Board After a Few...
  7. J

    1110,1600,2310 no charge only battery border show solution 100%

    1110,1600,2310 no charge only battery border show
  8. L

    nokia 1110 1112 1600 2310 2626 6030 Light solution Bro Dipankor-ctg

    nokia 1110 1112 1600 2310 2626 6030 Light solution Bro Dipankor-ctg
  9. L

    1110.1600.2310 new pa jumper 10000% tested

    1110.1600.2310 new pa jumper 10000% tested
  10. B

    nokia 1110-1600-2310 for usefull keypad soluction

    nokia 1110-1600-2310 for usefull keypad soluction
  11. M

    1110,1112.1600.2310,6030 booting jumper

    1110,1112.1600.2310,6030 booting jumper
  12. A

    Nokia 1112,1110,1600,2310,6030,2610,2626,1200,1208,1202, 1203 Lcd blank or going off after few seconds 100000000% solution

    Nokia 1202, 1203 Lcd blank or going off after few seconds 100000000% solution. i have tested in many sets.
  13. F

    Nokia 1110 1112 1600 2310 6030 Ringer Problem

  14. J

    1112 1110i 1600 2310 new keypad ways 100%

    1112 1110i 1600 2310 new keypad ways 100%