
Junior Member
Jan 29, 2011
Device synchronized.
Injecting EBL-Loader (RPSI).
Injecting EBL
Boot-loader is active
EBL version: 2150_OD_KL1_3.1 3..1
Boot mode is: BB
Using: Faster CRC, Writing all blocks , Skip data CRC , Skip protocol CRC
Package length is 16384 - protocol: 3.32
Baud rate set to 921600
Get flash id.
Flash ID is: 003000EC
Boot process finished

Start downloading item 'BOOT CORE PSI:psi.fls'' from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\S5222XXLAF_XELAE\S5222XELAE\S5222XXLAF_psi.fls''.
Erasing all flash memory
Sending sec-pack.
Load region 0
- Sending data.
Sending end-pack.
Checksum OK (0x0000)
Verify OK
Process time was 953 msec.

Start downloading item 'BOOT CORE SLB:slb.fls'' from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\S5222XXLAF_XELAE\S5222XELAE\S5222XXLAF_slb.fls''.
Sending sec-pack.
Load region 0
- Sending data.
Sending end-pack.
Checksum OK (0x0000)
Verify OK
Process time was 719 msec.

Start downloading item 'CODE:CATFISH.fls'' from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\S5222XXLAF_XELAE\S5222XELAE\S5222XXLAF_BSY.fls''.
Sending sec-pack.
Load region 0
- Sending data.
Load region 1
- Sending data.
Sending end-pack.
Checksum OK (0x0000)
Verify OK
Process time was 56.5 sec.

Start downloading item 'CODE:CATFISH.fls'' from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\S5222XXLAF_XELAE\S5222XELAE\S5222XXLAF_CDS.fls''.
Sending sec-pack.
Load region 0
- Sending data.
Sending end-pack.
Checksum OK (0x0000)
Verify OK
Process time was 813 msec.

Start downloading item 'CUST:temp_GT-S5222_OXE.dffs'' from file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\S5222XXLAF_XELAE\S5222XELAE\S5222OXELAE_CSC.dffs''.
Sending sec-pack.
Load region 0
- Sending data.
Process time was 55.2 sec.

Stopped at 43% total, 13% current
Timeout occured during packet reception
The phone did not answer within the timeout period. This could be that the communication is interrupted or that the target SW is in an endless loop.
Check the connection to the phone, battery etc. If the problem persists report the error to the developer.
Channel 1 is succesfully closed.