Phone type: RM-588 (Nokia 5230) SW version: V ICPR72_11w16.1 28-07-11 RM-588 (c) Nokia ApeCoreSw: V 51.6.002 Imei plain: 3515260xxxxx-1 Product code: 0577187 Battery voltage: 3616 mV, current: 334 mA Language Pack: - not available. SLPA ver[3]: PA_SL2/PA_SL3 (15 digit NCK) RPL saved to "C:\mobileEx\3.5\data\backup\BB5_RM-588_351526042082841_23_10_13_190602_SIM.RPL" SIMLOCK invalid! SUPERDONGLE_KEY seems to be valid CMLA_KEY seems to be valid WMDRM_PD seems to be valid SIMLOCK_TEST failed! SECURITY_TEST passed SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted! SIMLOCK_DATA corrupted! nokia 5230 phone stratup fild