SPD CPU Name:6803H
>>> Scan Mobile Pinout...
VCC Pin:3,
GND Pin:10,
Signal Pin:1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
USB Pinout: D+:6 D-:4
>>> SCAN SCI Port...
Detected SCI Port :COM12
Mobile Connect Success...
>>> Downloading First "boot1.bin" Success...
Reading the First Boots:
Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
>>> Downloading Second "boot2.bin" Success...
>>> Mobile Info
CPU Name:6803H
Flash ID:0000ADA1
Flash Size:08000000->128M
Flash Name:H8BCS0PG0MBP
Flash Factory:NAND_HYNIX
>>> Reading Flash...
Access To The Flash Mode2...
>>> Return to the Date;rror!!!
>>> Analzing Code...Please Wait...
IMEI 1: 356789000553592
IMEI 2: 356789000553600
IMEI 3: 358570010103893
IMEI 4: 910575601400468
Password1: 772233
Security Code1: 1234
>>> important:Input Pattern Lock,Must according to order!!!
Pattern Lock1: 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 4 -> 7
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
All D