The W85 was a thermonuclear warhead developed by the United States of America to arm the Pershing II missile. It had a variable yield and was often referred to as "dial-a-yield" which could be set between 5 and 80 kilotons.

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  1. M

    symphony w85 flashing problem

    symphony w85 only symphony logo i have flashing with smart phone flash tool but problem same download firmware from Symphony Xplorer W85 Flash File Free Download - Symphony Stock Rom Download Download Symphony Stock Rom for all models
  2. U

    HELP- Symphony W85 Stock ROM needed

    I played with my Symphony W85 roughly after root. Now it's not starting after getting the starting page, I forgot to make a proper backup of the rom, Now I failed to restore it from BOOT menu. Can you please help me to get rid of this kinda serious hazard. Thanks in advance.