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  1. M

    samsung s5222 flash file plz

    help with samsung s5222 flash file plz
  2. G

    s5222 urdo flash file please help

    s5222 urdo flash file please help
  3. S

    s5222 urdo flash file need

    s5222 urdo flash file need
  4. Y

    witch ic i can use for samsung s5222 light problem?

    witch ic i can use for samsung s5222 light problem here is 6 leg ic like mtk 6252 charging ic
  5. Lawra

    Samsung S5222 Flash File & Flasher

    Samsung S5222 Flashing Without Box Step By Step Install Infenion Drivers Step1: Open Flasher "FlashTool_E2.exe" (link is given below) Step2: Select flash File Using Given Method S5220xxxxx_psi.fls S5220xxxxx_slb.fls S5220xxxxx_BSY.fls...
  6. K

    s5222 flahing to flashtool_e2 eroor

    Device synchronized. Injecting EBL-Loader (RPSI). Injecting EBL Boot-loader is active EBL version: 2150_OD_KL1_3.1 3..1 Boot mode is: BB Using: Faster CRC, Writing all blocks , Skip data CRC , Skip protocol CRC Package length is 16384 - protocol: 3.32 Baud rate set to 921600 Get flash id. Flash...