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  1. S

    need motorola v3xx rsdlite flash file

    need motorola v3xx rsdlite flash file Software Version: R261171RK_U_99.41.03R
  2. H

    motorola e6 flashing in rsdlite but

    motorola e6 flashing in rsdlite but sadghjgdsds rsd in flshing but disconnect the cable any second time coonect the phone not connected just stop on motorola start up window any solution pls help me
  3. L

    Motorola rsdlite flashfile only here

    rsdlite flashfile only here Use for all collection of rsdlite only in this thread
  4. F

    ALL Firmware of RSDLITE

    here is list of motorola fremwere model of phone * A1000 * A835 * A840 * C115 * C116 * C155 * C330 * C350 * C350L * C380 * C390 * C450 * C550 * C650 * C698p * C975 * E1 ROKR * E1070 * E2 ROKR * E365 * E398 * E770v * K1 KRZR * K3 MOTOKRZR * L2 * L6 * L6i * L7 SLVR * L7e SLVR * L9 MOTOSLVR *...