The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a hypercarnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses. It is a large bear, approximately the same size as the omnivorous Kodiak bear (Ursus arctos middendorffi). A boar (adult male) weighs around 350–700 kg (772–1,543 lb), while a sow (adult female) is about half that size. Polar bears are the largest land carnivores currently in existence, rivaled only by the Kodiak bear. Although it is the sister species of the brown bear, it has evolved to occupy a narrower ecological niche, with many body characteristics adapted for cold temperatures, for moving across snow, ice and open water, and for hunting seals, which make up most of its diet. Although most polar bears are born on land, they spend most of their time on the sea ice. Their scientific name means "maritime bear" and derives from this fact. Polar bears hunt their preferred food of seals from the edge of sea ice, often living off fat reserves when no sea ice is present. Because of their dependence on the sea ice, polar bears are classified as marine mammals.Because of expected habitat loss caused by climate change, the polar bear is classified as a vulnerable species. For decades, large-scale hunting raised international concern for the future of the species, but populations rebounded after controls and quotas began to take effect. For thousands of years, the polar bear has been a key figure in the material, spiritual, and cultural life of circumpolar peoples, and polar bears remain important in their cultures. Historically, the polar bear has also been known as the "white bear". It is sometimes referred to as the "nanook", based on the Inuit term nanuq.

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  1. J

    Polar update Ready : 3.60

    Main Discussion Link PolarBox Update v360 Ready - NO MORE CREDITS FOR ALCATELS - IMEI Source Official web site link PolarBox Update v360 - [05-03-2015] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  2. J

    Polar box news with new v3.32

    MAIN DISCUSSION LINK PolarBox Update v332 - 10 World First !! [26-07-2013] OFFICIAL WEB SITE LINK PolarBox Update v332 - 10 World First !! [26-07-2013] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Welcome to PolarBox website ] [ Welcome to PolarBox...
  3. J

    Polar Box Update V3.31 Ready : NON STOP UPDATES

    MAIN DISCUSSION LINK PolarBox Update v331 - 2 World First !! [15-07-2013] OFFICIAL WEB SITE LINK PolarBox Update v331 - 2 World First !! [15-07-2013] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  4. J

    Polar Box Update V3.30 Ready : NON STOP UPDATES

    MAIN DISCUSSION LINK PolarBox Update v330 - 6 World First !! [02-07-2013] OFFICIAL WEB SITE LINK PolarBox Update v330 - 6 World First !! [02-07-2013] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  5. J

    Polar Box Update V3.29 Ready : NON STOP UPDATES

    MAIN DISCUSSION LINK PolarBox Update v329 - 4 World First !! [27-06-2013] OFFICIAL WEB SITE LINK PolarBox Update v329 - 4 World First !! [27-06-2013] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ]
  6. J

    Polar Box Update V3.28 Ready : NON STOP UPDATES

    MAIN DISCUSSION LINK Polar Box Update V3.28 Ready : NON STOP EXCLUSIVE UPDATES OFFICIAL WEB SITE LINK PolarBox Update v328 - 9 World First !! [11-06-2013] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [...
  7. J

    Polar Box Update V3.28 Ready : NON STOP EXCLUSIVE UPDATES

    Polar Suite Update v3.2.8 Panda Suite Update v1.6.9 SAT Tool Update v1.4.8 Official website : PolarBox Update v328 - 9 World First !! [11-06-2013] Link direct download : Alcatel phones ( MTK and Android platform ) Alcatel...
  8. J

    Polar Update V 3.27 Ready [ EXCLUSIVE WORLD FIRST !! ]

    Polar Suite Update v3.2.7 Panda Suite Update v1.6.9 SAT Tool Update v1.4.8 Official website : PolarBox Update v327 - 12 World First !! [04-06-2013] Link direct download : Alcatel phones (MTK platform) Alcatel OT-815D...
  9. J

    Polar box Update v3.17 Ready, Enjoy ;)

    Polar Suite Update v3.1.7 Panda Suite Update v1.6.6 SAT Tool Update v1.4.5 Official website : PolarBox Update v317 [04-03-2013] - Alcatel World First Link direct download : Alcatel and TCL phones ( different platforms ) TCL A860...
  10. T

    Polar box Update V3.14 Ready : WORLD FIRST AGAIN [23-01-2013]

    Polar Suite Update v3.1.4 Panda Suite Update v1.6.5 SAT Tool Update v1.4.4 Official website : PolarBox Update v314 [23-01-2013] - +3 WORLD FIRST AGAIN Link direct download : Samsung phones ( Android and Bada platform ) [+]...
  11. S

    Polar BOX : update v 2.94 Ready : Huawei - Samsung - Zte - Doro - Alcatel - Pantech .

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.9.4 Panda Suite Update v1.5.5 SAT Tool Update v1.4.2 Official website (update v294) :PolarBox Update v294
  12. G

    Polar BOX : update v 2.92 Ready : Huawei - Samsung - VeryKool ...

    MAIN DISCUSSION Polar BOX : update v 2.92 Ready : Huawei - Samsung - VeryKool [WORLD FIRST] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  13. J

    Polar BOX : HOT update v 2.91 Ready : Huawei - Pantech ....

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : ### VERY IMPORTANT INFO ### Due some modifications added for improve compatibility with windows7, is possible that polarbox ask you again for CREATE CERTIFICATES. This will happend in case you work over win7. For solve this...
  14. J

    Polar Box : Update V2.90 Ready [HOT & FAST] Huawei - Pantech - Alcatel ...

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.9.0 Panda Suite Update v1.5.4 Huawei phones ( Qualcomm and MTK Platform ) Huawei U8160 Huawei U8180 Huawei U8350 Vodafone 858 Smart [+] Added DIRECT UNLOCK function [+] Added RESTORE BACKUP function [+] Added...
  15. J

    Polar BOX : update v 2.89 Ready : Non Stop

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.8.9 Panda Suite Update v1.5.3 MicroMAX Modems USB ( Qualcomm Platform ) MicroMAX MMX300 - World FIRST calculation !! MicroMAX MMX310 - World FIRST calculation !! MicroMAX MMX350 - World FIRST...
  16. J

    Polar box : NON STOP !!! Update v2.88 ready [more news inside] 14-03-2012

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.8.8 Panda Suite Update v1.5.2 Doro Phones ( MTK Platform ) Doro 610 - World FIRST !! [+] Added READ CODES (via calculation) -= EXCLUSIVE WORLD FIRST =- [+] Added READ FLASH function [+] Added...
  17. L

    Polar box : NON STOP !!! Update v2.87 ready [more news inside] 06-03-2012

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.8.7 Panda Suite Update v1.5.2 Huawei Phones ( MTK Platform ) Huawei G5726 Huawei G7510 [+] Added NCK CALCULATION function [+] Added READ FLASH function [+] Added WRITE FLASH function [+] Added FORMAT FFS function...
  18. V

    Polar box : NON STOP !!! Update v2.87 ready [more news inside] 06-03-2012

    MAIN DISCUSSION Polar box : NON STOP !!! Update v2.87 ready [more news inside] 06-03-2012 Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  19. N

    Polar Box : Update V2.86 Ready [FREE FOR ALL]

    MAIN LINK Polar Box : Update V2.86 Ready [HOT & FAST] Thanks in advance for your attention. With best regards, [ Polar Team ] [ Http:// ] [ Http:// ]
  20. N

    Polar Box : Update V2.86 Ready [HOT & FAST]

    Hi to all. This is our latest update for our community : Polar Suite Update v2.8.6 Panda Suite Update v1.5.1 Huawei Phones (Qualcomm and MTK Platform) Huawei U7510s Huawei U8100 Huawei U8105 Huawei U8107 Huawei U8109 Huawei U8110 Huawei U8120 Huawei U9105 Huawei U9120 Huawei U9130 Huawei...