In electronics, a pinout (sometimes written "pin-out") is a cross-reference between the contacts, or pins, of an electrical connector or electronic component, and their functions. "Pinout" now supersedes the term "basing diagram" that was the standard terminology used by the manufacturers of vacuum tubes and the RMA. The RMA started its standardization in 1934, collecting and correlating tube data for registration at what was to become the EIA. The EIA (Electronic Industries Alliance) now has many sectors reporting to it, and sets what are known as EIA standards where all registered pinouts and registered jacks can be found.

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  1. B

    All CDMA J-Tag Pinouts At One Place......

    All CDMA J-Tag Pinout At One Place... Models:- Haier C200 C300 C301R C1000 C2000 C2010 C2020 C2030 C2040 C2076 C3000 C3010 C5000 C5100 C6000 C6300 HUAWEI C2206 C2605 C2607 C2801 C2802 C2803 C2821 C2806 C2807 C2808 C2809 C2823 C2828 C2829 C2830 C2856 C2900 C2900i C2901...
  2. J

    JTAG Pinouts, Full flash dumps, CDMA/GSM/UMTS requests/exchange

    Hello if you have dead htc with omap850 mcu and the jtag pinout not available this pics maybe help. (You must remove the mcu trace the pins reball the mcu and put back (for advanced users only)).
  3. J

    Nokia 1508 1508i Pinouts

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  4. J

    New FBUS Pinouts for Nokia 105 RM-908 Added

    Nokia 105 RM-908 FBUS Pinout:
  5. R

    pls send me s100 dll and pinouts my riff server not working

    pls send me s100 dll and pinouts my riff server not working
  6. G

    ATF First in The World Nokia 110 RM-827 Full Flash - [PINOUTS INSIDE]

    again World First! thanks ATF team,X-shadow! pinout ScreenShOt!! Flash file After Flash Log: Number of Image Files: 3 Processing Image File : rm827__03.04.mcusw Processing Image File : rm827__03.04.ppm_m4...
  7. N

    All Panasonic Pinouts [Only Here]

    Panasonic GD53, GD67, GD68, GD92, GD93, GD95, GD87, GD87e, GD88, GU87 cell phones cable connector pinout 1 ADND -?- 5 TEST -?- 7 RX *lt;-- 8 TX --*gt; 13 Vcharge -?- +5V? 14 GND
  8. N

    GPGWorkshop more China phones pinouts!!!

  9. N

    GPGWorkshop China phones pinouts !!!

    added pinouts for China Phones To read more CLICK HERE!!!
  10. Lawra

    Here Is Some China PINOUTS

    China Phone Pinout
  11. J

    how to find Mstar chip pinouts manually ! check inside !

    here is a simple video for those who face problem to finding pinouts mstar flash chip , here is video manual becoz we love to our user ! test this method himself many times and its working for me , if still have any problem feel free to...
  12. G

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  13. G

    All SPD Manual PinOuts For Master Box Users

    I found many users have problem in pin finding so i decide to post a complete Manual Pinouts For help if you find any Conector that not fount in auto scan then you can select manual pins as shown in pictures L12B
  14. F

    All Nokia And Chaina pinouts here....Download And Enjoy...

    All Nokia And Chaina pinouts here....Download And Enjoy... Zobi Mobile Lab
  15. L

    SpiderMan box RJ45 pinouts definition and how to use universal cable

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  16. J

    All Nokia Cable connector pinouts BY M.Irfan

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  17. Jinda

    Cdma cables & pinouts

    Huawei 5589 vJaaz Pinout to be used during White Blank lcd repair cable UART or any Unibox RX TX Gnd
  18. W

    All LG Pinouts Request

    All LG Pinouts Request [Only Here] LG 18 pin 510, B1300, G1500, W3000, G3100, G5200, G5220c, G5300, G5310, G5400, G7100, G7070, G7120 cell phones cable connector pinout 1 Vbat connected by 1N4001 diode to +5V supply in cable? 2,3 Charge shorted by 1N4001 diode to pin 1 in cable? 4 PWON...
  19. S

    >>> HWK Pinouts for PL2303 Pic <<<

    This is hwk pinouts for pl2303. If you have any problem contact me on yahoo & Msn. Best Regards..;)
  20. K

    Some nokia phones pinouts here_susmoy

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