In the warez scene, nuke refers to labeling content as "bad", for reasons which might include unusable software, bad video/audio quality, virus-infected content, deceptively labeled (fake) content or not following the rules. Also duplicates and stolen releases from other pirates that do not attribute the other pirates will be nuked. When a scene release is "nuked", a message is attached to its listing informing other sceners of its "nuked" status, as well as the specific nature of the problem.Contrary to what the term implies, a nuke does not actually destroy offending content or prevent anyone from downloading it. A nuke merely serves as a cautionary flag to potential users. The person that uploaded the nuked content to a site will lose credits.

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  1. G

    Cara Ngatasi Nuked

    Cara Menyelamatkan BB Mati Total (Nuked BlackBerry) Pernahkah BlackBerry anda mengalami Nuked ( Mati suri, battery silang merah dan tidak terdeteksi di PC, DM Loader )? Atau pernahkah anda mengalami Bricked ( BlackBerry Restart berulang-ulang tidak bisa masuk home screen ) Perhatian : yang...