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  1. K

    NCKDongle Android MTK Setup v2.4.2 Update Released [25/02/2014

    Added: ALCATEL OT-5020T - Read Unlock code/ Format/ Write Flash/ Change Language Via Flashing/ Repair Via Flashing/ Reset. Added New Method of Unlocking for the Following Models: OT-4030, OT-4030A, OT-4030E, OT-4030X, OT-4030D OT-5020, OT-5020D, OT-5020E, OT-5021, OT-5035 VF-875...
  2. D

    Unlock I9000 with NCK-DONGLE 100%

    Unlock I9000 with NCK-DONGLE 100%
  3. D

    [F.A.Q.] How to update & use Nckdongle? [Screen shots and Details]

    First download software from here. 2.install and run software 3.update your card 4.ready to use.
  4. T

    nckDongle flashtool small update.

    nckDongle flashtool small update. What new. Added universal metod for user code reading. Must support mostly mtk phones. Updated METADLL to version 6.0952.00. Small bugfixes .
  5. E

    nckDongle small update added

    nckDongle update Flashtool 1.01. Updated SLA_Challenge.dll to allow to work with secure baseband chips. Soon we will start support direct unlock and write firmware with comport in alcatel. brom.dll updated, some more MTK chipsets now supported. Some changes in Factory reset function. Some...