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  1. L

    hepl me file wing m50 mt6572

    file wing m50 . Thanks
  2. G

    MT6572 ime rebuild done by Sigma .........

    Samsung i9500 MT6572 ime rebuild done by Sigma ......... Br Maninder..............
  3. R

    Samsung s4 clone mt6572

    Hi ! I have a problem with my phone (mt6572 clone s4 , 1:1) Touch screen don't work after flash phone with this rom : Specs of my phone : Hardware: MT6572 Model: GT-I9500 Build number: ALPS.JB3.MP.V1 Build date UTC: 20130920-102559 Android...
  4. J

    Samsung Clone Galaxy S4(i9500) MT6572 Tested Rom Here

    Samsung Clone Galaxy S4(i9500) MT6572 Tested Rom Here Firmware Details: Successfully Flashed & Recovered Rom From Here Flash Tool From Here