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  1. J

    iphone4 MT6253 dead recover by piranhabox

    iphone4 MT6253 dead recover by piranhabox
  2. B

    beyond B83 mt6253 bin file

    please help to all the masters, I need a firmware beyond B 83 mtk6253. MTK_ROMINFO_v07L085_INDO_BEYOND_PCB01_GPRS_MT6253_S00.L085_EN_INDO_V2_05.BIN
  3. S

    all MT6253 ,6252 Flash File

    CCT 5130 MT6252 T221.MX282.XD.V1.03 CCT 5130 MT6252 8MB.rar G MOBILE G88A SUPERCON52_6432_10A_PCB01_GPRS_MT6252_S01.D5211_LX _L1_WORLDCUP_S01.BIN G MOBILE G88A.rar G 600 G Mobile ( 6253 ) Project ID HY212 JHZ02 110723 G 600 G Mobile ( 6253 ) Project ID...
  4. Lawra

    MT6253 ,6252 Flash File With CNV Here BY Avator Box Share Here

    Dear AvatorBox User we are stating This Thread for Specially MT6252,6253 phones. if you have any MT6252,6253 phone Upload here File for Those users who having problem to find out the files and wanted help and also users who want the file request can post here . Pls Don't...
  5. R

    SmartMoto 4.19,S-Card 3.09 MotoEX Backup/Restore Flex. WX345,MT6253 CPU direct unlock

    Dear users, Please let us introduce new version of SmartMoto v4.19 and S-Card v3.09 With this release we present the following options: Released Backup and Restore Flex options for the following EX-series models: EX112 EX115 EX122 EX128 Flex files (*.wxfx format) contain default media...
  6. I

    T-Box Scan pinout MT6253 = 0 sec
