IBM iNotes (formerly IBM Lotus iNotes) offers a full-featured web-based version of IBM's IBM Notes client. Formerly known as IBM Lotus Domino Web Access, IBM iNotes provides IBM Notes users with browser-based access to their IBM Notes mail, calendar, and contacts. The software combines with IBM Domino software to provide a client interface that is available both online and offline. It provides access to collaboration tools using a variety of Web browsers across multiple platforms.
IBM iNotes comes as a feature in IBM Domino. The administrator can turn this feature on to allow access of emails via browser. Domino administrators can maintain and control a standard and consistent experience for users through centralized Lotus Domino administrative policies that set or enforce mail settings for Lotus iNotes users. In addition, Lotus iNotes has full offline support via Domino Off-Line Services (DOLS), integrated instant messaging.
Most of this article has been merged into the IBM Notes article.
Lotus iNotes includes three modes for users accessing their Notes mail:-

Full Mode – Provides integrated collaboration tools for environments that provide full broadband connections. For users that need full access to all of the iNotes features.
Lite mode – This mode includes mail, contacts, and calendar and is best suited for slow connections or bandwidth constrained networks. For users that need to access mail in a public place, such as at a kiosk.
Ultra-light mode – This mode is available either on a mobile device (initially available on the Apple iPhone or iPod Touch using Apple Safari), or on your desktop (using Mozilla Firefox) as the accessible mode of iNotes.

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  1. S

    Itel iNOTE it1452 pac file

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