Changing Lanes is a 2002 American drama thriller film directed by Roger Michell and starring Ben Affleck and Samuel L. Jackson. The film follows a successful, young Wall Street lawyer (Affleck) who accidentally crashes his car into a vehicle driven by a middle-aged, recovering alcoholic insurance salesman (Jackson). After the lawyer leaves the scene of the accident, the two men try to get back at each other, engaging in a variety of immoral and illegal actions that end up having a major impact on each man's life.
The film was released on April 12, 2002 in North America by Paramount Pictures. The film was favourably reviewed by critics and it was a box office success, earning almost $95 million against a $45 million budget. Writers Chap Taylor and Michael Tolkin were nominated for the WAFCA Award for Best Original Screenplay for their work.
SMTi Ver 19.97 Update Features
JRT ARM9 module added:
HTC Devices
Function change Sec/CID for all devices based on the platform HTC
Change Sec / CID the "11111111" or "HTC__001"
Unlocks the device for all stock RUU, without GoldCard!
Fixed repapair boot files for:
- HTC Maple 1XX (Snap)...
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