Cell is a multi-core microprocessor microarchitecture that combines a general-purpose PowerPC core of modest performance with streamlined coprocessing elements which greatly accelerate multimedia and vector processing applications, as well as many other forms of dedicated computation.It was developed by Sony, Toshiba, and IBM, an alliance known as "STI". The architectural design and first implementation were carried out at the STI Design Center in Austin, Texas over a four-year period beginning March 2001 on a budget reported by Sony as approaching US$400 million. Cell is shorthand for Cell Broadband Engine Architecture, commonly abbreviated CBEA in full or Cell BE in part.
The first major commercial application of Cell was in Sony's PlayStation 3 game console, released in 2006. In May 2008, the Cell-based IBM Roadrunner supercomputer became the first TOP500 LINPACK sustained 1.0 petaflops system. Mercury Computer Systems also developed designs based on the Cell.
The Cell architecture includes a memory coherence architecture that emphasizes power efficiency, prioritizes bandwidth over low latency, and favors peak computational throughput over simplicity of program code. For these reasons, Cell is widely regarded as a challenging environment for software development. IBM provides a Linux-based development platform to help developers program for Cell chips.
If you are worrying about your children, and are always thinking of a medium, that will help you p keean eye on them, then mobile tracker/phone track is just the answer you are looking for. Prevent your life of lies and troubles. This tracker can also be used as a online backup tool, monitor spy...
If you are worrying about your children, and are always thinking of a medium, that will help you p keean eye on them, then mobile tracker/phone track is just the answer you are looking for. Prevent your life of lies and troubles. This tracker can also be used as a online backup tool, monitor spy...
Is it okay that my cell phone still shows the name of the previous wireless service, even after I unlocked my phone?
It is perfectly fine that the name of the previous network service provider appear on your mobile phone, even after you have unlocked. The logo has been programmed into your...
SmartMoto v4.28. Fixed issues with cell phones based on NOR flash
Dear users,
Please let us introduce a new version of SmartMoto v4.28.
In this release the following improvements and changes were made:
Fixed issues with cell phones based on NOR flash IC that were found in software...
Understand the SIM Card working system on All Cell Phones
Sample Nokia because its all systems on the basis of his work similar
At pin Simcard must consist of 6 Pin .. consisting of:
Nc (Not Connetcetd)
All phones must be...
Nokia 3110 Cell Phone Secret Codes
Nokia 3110 Cell Phone Secret Codes
Nokia 3110 Cell Phone Secret Codes.[/size]*#06# : Checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)
*#7780# Restores Factory Settings (Memory, language, counters are not included).
*#3110# ...
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