Box2D is a free open source 2-dimensional physics simulator engine written in C++ by Erin Catto and published under the zlib license. It has been used in Crayon Physics Deluxe, Limbo, Rolando, Incredibots, Angry Birds, Tiny Wings, Shovel Knight, Transformice, Happy Wheels, and many online Flash games, as well as iPhone, iPad and Android games using the Cocos2d or Moscrif game engine and Corona framework.

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  1. M

    Martech Box2+/Clip/Lite cables converter to other boxes

    Also UFS has the same pinout like Martech, you can plug cables directly. This convertes is easy to build and you can use your cables from other boxes. More pinouts, schematics coming soon.
  2. O

    Polar box2 : V2.56 ready : Exclusive news inside

    Hi to all, This is the latest Update for PolarBox2 customers : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PolarSuite Update - Version 2.5.6 PandaSuite Update - Version 1.3.0 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ALCATEL PHONES ( TexasU7 and TexasU71 ) * Alcatel OT-102a Exclusive WORLD FIRST !!! * Alcatel...
  3. M

    ★★★ polar box2 official resellers ★★★

    # GsmServer # World - Hong Kong # Http:// # MSN: # ICQ: 220705240 # Sonork: 100.1587356 # Tel: +85239733882 # E-mail: # Skype:
  4. J

    CPF BOX2 many many updates and some new CPUs was supported!

    CPF BOX2 many many updates and some new CPUs was supported! CPF_BOX_II_Update_2010.11.05.exe Update details: Update MTK Expanded platform V3.33 Improved MTK boot A for MTK6223 Improved MTK format Improved MTK NAND Flash write Supported new cpu MTK6268 read write format Improved...
  5. K

    Polar box2: Tmn credits reduced, more flash inside support [11-10-2010]

    Hi To All, Due to our users requests, and cause we listen always your comments about our products, we reduced the credits needed for our Online Services. Here you can check all info and new conditions : -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- New flashfiles uploaded to support...