
Active Member
Sep 4, 2010
Want To Put Ringtones Longer than 40 Seconds On Your iPhone Without Jailbreak

Yes, this time you will get a longer ringtone, yes it’s new to create a 40 sec ringtone on iPhone without jailbreak, to do so follow the simple steps below to create your own iPhone ringtone away from the jailbreak.


Getting Started

Step 1: Normally create a ringtone from iTunes with the song you want (which will be the 40s).

Step 2: Sync to copy the ringtone to iPhone.

Step 3: Create a version. Aac of the same song (full version, not cut), copy it from iTunes on your desktop and rename it. M4r

Step 4: With a program like PhoneViewer or PhoneDisk, iPhone access to the directory iTunes_Control / Ringtones.

Step 5: Now just find the ringtone only previously synced (eg RUBG.m4r) and replace it with the song you created in step 3. renaming it with the same name (eg RUGB.m4r) and replacing it.
