The Mali series of graphics processing units (GPUs) and multimedia processors are semiconductor intellectual property cores produced by ARM Holdings for licensing in various ASIC designs by ARM partners.
Mali GPUs were developed by Falanx Microsystems A/S, which was a spin-off of a research project from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Arm Holdings acquired Falanx Microsystems A/S on June 23, 2006 and renamed the company to Arm Norway.

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  1. C

    any one have zte t-760 flash file

    any one have zte t-760 flash file
  2. Z

    zte T760 Unlocking Problem....

    My Have Many box Dongle But Zte T760 Unlock usb driver problem my have usb driver but not coneact.why..this is mtk android phone..
  3. G

    09/12/12 [PACK6] ALCATEL & ZTE T760, T12, V856, v857, v875, v889, v970 DIRECT UNLOCK

    Hi, We are pleased to announce that we added support for DIRECT UNLOCK for the following models by USB: ZTE V760, TELSTRA T760, TELSTRA T12 ZTE V788D ZTE V856/V857 ZTE V875 ZTE V889M ZTE V970 Alcatel OT-913 Alcatel OT-918/C918 Alcatel OT-C919/A919/C919 Alcatel OT-922 Alcatel OT-928 Alcatel...