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Well-known Member
Sep 7, 2010
Dear Friends,

As you know (let's be honest, we all know The Truth), Infinity-Box is the only team who make own research for Chinese phones. We provide new own developed solutions during last 6 years. Our main target is helps users to repair phones but not give them "one button copy/paste original flasher for all known phones in one soft without any support with big ability to kill phone fast".

Here is one more solution by Infinity-Box Team, I think it's no need to make big explanation, you will understand everything just by pictures below.

Software uploaded in Infinity-Box support area.

Please, be informed that it's first release for "No licensed to produce" fix, we have uploaded test version of our software so we need to get detailed test reports from you. If it will be problems with with some firmware types of hardware types we will try to fix it fast, but we need to get detailed information (and full flash backup files) from you.

Please, after you repair phones, test it in all possible modes so we will be sure that phones works well. We have made our own test for several sample phones and everything was good, but we need to get test reports for many phones.

Any your comments are welcome.

Please, try to post in this thread only real test reports, nit just talks, discussions and rumors !


When you see at phone LCD text like this:

Make this:



Dear Friends !

Please, try to unlock phones and post in this thread your test reports with operation log, so we will be able to see what is the results and what we need to fix in future software release.

Thank you !​
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