
Junior Member
Jul 3, 2013
Hi To All

Qcn Reader/Writer Rev 1.0.0



SM-N900W8 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900V Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900T Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900S Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900R4 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900P Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N9009 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N9008V Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N9008 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N9006 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N9005 Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-N900A Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900T Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900S Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900P Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900M Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900L Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900K Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900I Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900F Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS
SM-G900A Read/Qrite QCN - Write CERT - Wipe EFS

About QCN

Q.Whats is QCN?

A.Actually We can said QCN is Advanced NVM.
in NVM we just have NVM Items (0-0xFFFF)(each Phone have Different Amount of NVM Items)
in QCN we have NVM Itmes plus we have EFS Foder and also Many Other Configuration Files
Remember QCN is only For Qualcomm Phones not any other Chipset Base
it usefull for repairing Network (3G-4G) after unlock/Repair IMEI
in this Update We Just Add some models for Read/Write QCN but theorically it must work on any Qualcomm Phones but we just focus on Samsung Android Phones

Q.How We Read it From Phone or Write it to Phone? Samsung Android Phones just Dial *#0808# and Select "DM+MODEM+ADB" and connect USB Cable to Phone

About CERT

Q.What is CERT?

A.if You Dial *#0011# on Samsung Android Phones We See ServiceMode Window We can See Many Dynamic Infromation about Network Status
one of these Items Named IMEI CERTI if it was Fail Phone Cant Registred on Network Becasue of Not Signed IMEI for Preventing this situation
we need This Tiny Valuable File

Q.How to Write it to Phone?

A.For That We Need Root Access to phone
(Please Advise Using Good and Stable Root Method Like CFRoot if possible otherwise be Sure SU on Phone Was Uptodate and ok)
Be Sure USB Debugging Was ON then connect usb cable to phone and Write Your CERT
-you can use N900 CERT for N900x models

Q: Where can I Download Certificates' files?

A: Here

Q.Use qcn file readed from other tool?

A.NO :)))

Q:How to Unlock/Repair IMEI this devices?

A:Root the phone First
Press Wipe efs Button and then write cert to phone


Copy and extract to c:/asansam2 folder(need all in one 1.0.9)

Updates Will Continue!

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